Casey's Foundation
Twenty-one children died by drowning, a 17% increase from the 18 cases in 2013. - 2016 Child Fatality Annual Report/State of Tennessee

FACT: Too many families think that this can’t happen to them.
FACT: Drowning Is Preventable and yet it is still the #1 cause of accidental death in children ages 1-4.
Almost Half of America Can’t Swim
Most Americans think they can swim just fine, but a new survey reveals that 44% don't know basic water-safety skills
Only 56 percent of Americans can perform the five core swimming skills, a recent survey conducted on behalf of the American Red Cross said.
The steps, also known as “water competency,” include jumping or stepping into water over one’s head, returning to the surface to tread water or float for one minute, circling around and identifying an exit, swimming 25 yards to that point and then exiting the water.
Posted: May 20, 2014
FACT: Red Cross states that one in every 5 people either have had an experience
that felt like drowning or know someone close who has.

Every year over 4000 deaths are the end result from drowning. This Foundation was created to try and help make sure that no family has to go through what the Bush family has. The ultimate goal is to make sure that all know Drowning is Preventable . Be Aware and Be Safe.